Newcomer Grace Lamarr
The British are coming again and I mean literally when it pertains to music, even though it is nothing new because singers from the U.K. have always rocked these shores with their great music and style. Being that America's taste in music is just as diverse as it's people, the U.K. is exporting an influx of new artists to peak our interest.
Here's Grace for the most recent issue of Net-A-Porter Magazine.
Grace Lamarr isn't signed to a label just yet, but she's already attracted the attention of the influential fashion set who often introduce us to what's new and what's now and she'll soon be "It." Even though Adele has been one of the most recent successful artists to come out of the U.K., she isn't the first and nor will she be the last and I hate when many of these up-and-coming artist are labeled with the next "Adele" caption. Just let them be who they are and live up to their own sound and standards and not those of Adele or even those of the late Amy Winehouse.
Her sound is uniquely her own and it reminds me of Ella Fitzgerald in it's clarity and carriage. Whoever signs her please don't destroy her by attempting to box her in as the next anybody and using sex to sell her music because when a woman has a voice just as beautiful as hers then that should be enough. No wonder why American record sales are down in the dumps...everyone is a clone of someone else. Please don't touch her magnificent coils!
"When you don't look like everyone else, you don't sound like them either."
Check out her Facebook page for new updates.