Mariza-A Rainha do Fado
Mariza knows that on the shoulders of Amália Rodrigues
Soulful and haunting, fado (meaning "fate" in Portuguese) captures something essential about Portugal. The songs are often about love and loss. Often a fadista is a woman dressed in black, singing with great dignity and drama, accompanied by a Portuguese guitar player and a classical guitarist.
The genre can be traced back to the 1820s in Portugal. Some say it came earlier from Africa, while others attribute it to the sailors and fishermen off the Portuguese coast. It took root in the working class bars of Lisbon and gave rise to 20th century stars like the unforgettable Amália Rodrigues
Mariza was born in what was then Lourenço Marques (now Maputo), Mozambique to a Mozambican mother and Portuguese father. The family emigrated to Lisbon when Mariza was three, and since then, she has been surrounded by fado; the singing never ceased in the Mouraria tavern her parents owned.
Mariza and another one of my favorites, singer, Concha Buika
In 2001, Mariza
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