Barry White gave to us his beautiful gifts of song and music-along with that he introduced the world to his beautiful wife Glodean, her sister Linda James, and their friend, Dianne Taylor who made up the singing group, Love Unlimited. Barry White's Love Unlimited singing group was composed of these three beautiful black women who surrounded him with their innate style and beauty.
Who could forget their song, "Walking In The Rain With The One I Love? Yes, in those days we did have love on all levels, what happened... I don't have a clue either.
Before nail salons became popular, these three women wore some of the most unique nail designs that we ever saw at the time. I used to wonder how were they able to do anything with nails that long?
Any way, they were glamorous, poised, elegant and refined with some of the most beautiful perfectly coiffed Afro's on the planet. BTW, whatever happened to the record companies having etiquette coaches because many of today's so called stars are certainly lacking in that department?